IdFTP2 [Delphi] IdFTP 한글 인코딩 오류 기억력 나쁜 내가 또 까먹고 indy 업데이트 할까봐 급히 메모.. IdFTP.pas 수정하면 됨. 1) TIdFTP = class(TIdExplicitTLSClient)에 프로퍼티 하나 만들고 FUTFMode: boolean; property UTFMode : boolean read FUTFMode write FUTFMode; 2) 소스 수정 procedure TIdFTP.List(ADest: TStrings; const ASpecifier: string = ''; ADetails: Boolean = True); {do not localize}var LDest: TMemoryStream; LTrans : TIdFTPTransferType;begin if ADetails and UseMLIS and FC.. 2013. 4. 5. [Delphi] Socket Error 10004 The operation is canceled. 10013 The requested address is a broadcast address, but flag is not set. 10014 Invalid argument. 10022 Socket not bound, invalid address or listen is not invoked prior to accept. 10024 No more file descriptors are available, accept queue is empty. 10035 Socket is non-blocking and the specified operation will block. 10036 A blocking Winsock operation is in progres.. 2011. 8. 31. 이전 1 다음